
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Simple pink flowers

Hello everyone!

I hope you are doing great out there, Im reading your blogs and watching your youtube channels every day, bur for some reason I wasn't inspired enough to show you something nice. But maybe today...

Yesterday my best friend was invited to a fancy Bday party, so she let me do her nails. Its a pretty big thing, couse she hates nail polishes, if she has something on her nails, she starts to scratch it immediately, she sais "her nails can't breath". :)  So it was a huge honour that she let me make her mani for the party!!! :)

But after all she is the girliest girl I've ever met! She loves make up and hairdressing (actually she cut my hair last time) so we decided together she needs something pink, and somethink simple but girly. I think that was the perfect mani for her, I'm so proud!! :) Simple, girly, pink, but still something more that she've ever worn. 

Let me know what do you think!